Brazil in the Transition Towards Knowledge Economy: Between Qualification and Internationalization of Human Capital


Transition Studies Review, April 2013, Volume 20, Issue 1

The last decades has been characterized by an increasing relevance of knowledge and innovation into the economic system, becoming two crucial factors in the global competition. Therefore, qualified human capital has turn to be an essential strategic factor strongly needed by advanced and emerging economies. This paper, by Alfonso Giordano & Antonietta Pagano, focuses on the international competition for skilled professionals that have increased more and more during the years, bringing in the field new economic actors. In particular, the article investigates the rising importance of Brazil in the international talents’ competition, highlighting the current features of the local labour markets in the attempt to analyse the major elements of strength and weakness that characterizes the Brazilian scientific and economic system. To this end, the authors provide an analysis of the qualified migrants inflow and outflow, having the aim of a deeper comprehension of the attraction capability of Brazil.

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