A Crisis Waiting to Happen: Book Review of Christopher M. Davidson’s ‘After the Sheikhs’

Faheem Hussain Blog ~ Some Thoughts – 18 Jun 2013

 A book review by Faheem Hussain on his blog about the last book by Christopher Davidson, ECIA Fellow, “After the Sheikhs: The Coming Collapse of the Gulf Monarchies” edited by Hurst Publishing. The book has rightly attracted positive book reviews and commentary (Black, 2012) (Hussein, 2012) (Sardar, 2013) (Lynch, 2012). While it’s been generally well received, many have voiced doubts on Davidson’s prediction. Unfortunately much of the criticism, as well as praise, suffer from being nebulous and vague. This review attempts to give rigour and substance to the book’s shortcomings, whilst arguing that its overall thesis is convincing.


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