Andrea Teti

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Areas of Expertise

    • EU, US Mid East policy
    • Civil society
    • Labour movements


Andrea Teti is the Director of the Societies Research Cluster at ECIA. He holds an MA (Hons.) and a PhD from the University of St Andrews, and is currently Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Aberdeen. His main research interests and publications focus on European and US democracy-promotion policies in the Middle East, Egyptian politics, Islamist movements, civil society and labour movements. His current work focuses on the relationship between how knowledge is produced, translated into policy, and its results fed back into the production of knowledge. This is also the core focus of the Interdisciplinary Approaches to Violence project, of which he is Co-Director. Mr. Teti also works on labour movements and civil society groups in Egypt, political parties and elections. With Gennaro Gervasio, he is currently analysing authoritarian practices in post-Mubarak Egypt, and the forms of democratic resistance to these across the political spectrum. Previously, Dr. Teti was Lecturer in International Relations at the Universities of Exter and Plymouth, and Visiting Fellow at the University of Turin and at the Anna Lindh Chair of Euro-Mediterranean Studies of the University of Salerno. Mr. Teti is also Joint Director of the Critical Middle East Studies (CMES) working group within the British Society for Middle East Studies.

Andrea Teti’s personal page at the University of Aberdeen

Andrea Teti’s personal page at the Centre for Global Security and Governance (Aberdeen)

ECIA Publications
Egypt’s Presidential Elections: A Road to Nowhere?
ECIA Briefing Paper – 23 May 2012
Egypt’s Uprising One Year On
ECIA Briefing Paper – 26 Jan 2012
Egypt’s First Free Parliamentary Elections
ECIA Policy Paper – 1 Oct 2011
Saudi Arabia and the Challenge of GCC Expansion
ECIA Briefing Paper – 14 May 2011
Bahrain: Roots and Implications of the uprising
ECIA Policy Paper – 7 Apr 2011
Egypt’s Constitutional Referendum
ECIA Briefing Paper – 21 Mar 2011
Outreach Activities
ArabTrans Project Policy Event – Brussels
Scotland House, Round-Point Schuman, 6, 1040 Brussels – 10 Sep 2016
Democracy, Youth and Social Justice: Challenges for Europe and the Middle East
European Commission, DG for Research and Innovation – 22 Jul 2016
Rome 2015 Mediterranean Dialogues: Stability in Libya
Grand Hotel Parco dei Principi, Rome – 12 Dec 2015
Democracy, Debt, and Confession: The Politics of Failure in Europe and the Middle East
Seminar Room, European Studies Centre, 70 Woodstock Road, St Antony’s College, Oxford – 20 Oct 2014
Orientalism as a form of Confession
Foucault Studies, Issue 17, April 2014 – 3 May 2014
Informal Power in the Greater Middle East. Hidden Geographies
Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Democratization and Government – 19 Apr 2014
Analytical Implication of the Arab Uprings: Conceptual Tool, Area Studies Theory
School of Politics and International Relations in University College Dublin – 16 Jun 2013
Confessions of a Dangerous (Arab) Mind: Orientalism and Confession Beyond Said and Foucault
In Ziad Elmarsafy, Anna Bernard and David Attwell (Eds.), “Debating Orientalism”, London: Palgrave-Macmillan – 6 Jun 2013
Truth Commissions in Europe and the Mediterranean
Villa Vigoni, Como – 5 Jun 2013
EU Democracy Assistance Discourse in Its New Response to a Changing Neighbourhood
Democracy and Security, Volume 9, Issue 1-2, 2013 – 6 May 2013
Egypt’s Presidential Elections: Moving Beyond Authoritarianism?
Focus, IEMedObs – Observatory of Euro-Mediterranean Policies, n. 94, 2012 – 31 Jul 2012
The Egyptian Revolution, One Year On: Causes, Characteristics and Fortunes
Oxford University, Department of Politics and International Relations – 16 May 2012
The Politics of Civil Society and Democracy in the Middle East
in Bozzo Anna and Luizard Pierre-Jean (Eds.), “Les sociétés civiles dans le monde musulman”, Paris: La Découverte, 2011 – 26 May 2011
Democracy in the Arab World
London School of Economics – 19 May 2011
Pane, libertà e dignità: Lezioni dalle rivolte arabe
Lo Straniero, n. 130, 2011 – 6 Apr 2011
World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies
Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània – 24 Jul 2010
Globalisation and the Middle East-Encounters with the Global Condition
Universitet der Bundeswehr München – 18 Oct 2009
Colonizing Knowledge: Social Science and the Disciplinary (Re)Production of Knowledge
in Begum Firat, Sarah de Mul and Sonja van Wichelen (Eds.), “Commitment and Complicity in Cultural Theory and Practice”, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 – 6 Jun 2009
Sunni Islam and politics
in Jeff Haynes (Eds.), “Routledge Handbook of Religion and Politics”, London: Routledge, 2008 – 17 Nov 2008
Political Islam
in Mark Imber and Trevor Salmon (Eds.), “Issues in International Relations”, 2nd Edition, London: Routledge, 2008 – 6 Jun 2008
Media Coverage
Europe and the Arab Uprisings Five Years on
Sydney Ideas – University of Sydney – 17 Mar 2016
Death of the Arab Spring
Late Night Live on ABC’s Radio National (RN) – 16 Mar 2016
Andrea Teti on Connected in Cairo
Connected in Cairo – 23 Jul 2014
In conversation with Cristina Flesher Fominaya
ECIA-European Centre for International Affairs
Egypt’s Government by Baltaga
MERIP-Middle East Research and Information Project – 3 Jul 2014
MERIP-Middle East Research and Information Project – 11 Jun 2014
Egypt and the Arab Uprisings
Open Democracy – 25 Jan 2014
The Function of Violence in Egypt
Open Democracy – 22 Aug 2013
Egypt: from Uprising to Revolution?
OpenDemocracy – 14 Mar 2013
Andrea Teti on Egypt’s Al-Youm Al-Sabe’a
Al-Youm Al-Sabe’a – 1 Feb 2013
Egypt Needs Sustainable Politics
Deutsche Welle – 5 Jan 2013
The politics of European technocrats
Al Jazeera – 9 Dec 2012
Egypt’s Challenge: Getting Rid of a Regime
Deutsche Welle – 11 Feb 2012
Ways out of the Euro-crisis?
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation – 11 Dec 2011
While Rome Was Burning
OpenDemocracy – 14 Nov 2011
Andrea Teti: Berlusconi’s Struggle for Survival
Al-Jazeera English – 16 Oct 2011
Afghanistan 10 years on
ITV Scotland – 7 Oct 2011
The Egyptian Gambit
OpenDemocracy – 20 Sep 2011
Economic reform in Italy
The Economist – 24 Jun 2011
Italy’s budget and lively social movements
The Economist – 19 Jun 2011
The rapidly-evolving situation in Syria
BBC Radio Wales – 29 Apr 2011
La Tunisia? Una polveriera – 28 Mar 2011
Egypt’s Uprising
BBC Scotland’s “Good Morning Scotland” – 1 Feb 2011
Egitto: naufragio dell’opposizione decorativa
NENA News Agency – 7 Dec 2010
Obama: Change we can believe in?
Lettera 22 – 7 Nov 2008


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